Data-Driven ABM Methodology and Applications
Lead Investigators
- Hamdi Kavak
- Jose Padilla (Advisor)
Student and Senior Collaborators
- Saikou Diallo (Collaborator faculty 2014-2018)
- Christopher Lynch (Collaborator student 2014-2018)
- Olcay Sahin (Collaborator student 2013-2014)
- Brit Nicholson (Collaborator student 2013-2014)
Project Dates
We have recently witnessed the proliferation of large-scale behavioral data that can empirically develop agent-based models (ABMs). However, current practices in agent-based modeling do not offer a structured approach to creating agents or their different computational parts directly from data. This project illustrates an agent-based modeling approach that leverages individual-level data to generate agent behavioral rules and initialize agent attribute values. You will first see a few sketches of this approach below, followed by some related applications.
Use of Social Media Data in ABMs and Applications
As a pre-cursor to the data-driven approach, we studied how social media could be used to support agent-based modeling efforts. In the paper cited below (Padilla et al. 2014), three example usages are shown:
- Using large data set processing and sentiment analysis to identify preferences of a population.
- Using agents with machine learning capabilities to learn mobility patterns from individuals’ history.
- Identifying preferences and communication patterns based on graph analysis (agent relation).
The first item in this list was applied in a healthcare-related simulation setting, cited below as Padilla et al. (2015). Later, a complete version of the approach is formalized, two example applications using different datasets were developed, and the effectiveness of the approach is showcased in Kavak (2019).
Publications & Presentations
- A Data-Driven Approach for Modeling Agents
H. Kavak
Old Dominion University, 2019
[Dissertation] [BibTex] - Big Data, Agents, and Machine Learning: towards A Data-Driven Agent-based Modeling Approach
H. Kavak, J.J. Padilla, C.J. Lynch, and S.Y. Diallo
51st Annual Simulation Symposium, Baltimore, MD, April 15-18, 2018, doi: 10.22360/SpringSim.2018.ANSS.021
[Paper] [BibTex] - Human Mobility Simulation Framework Using Big Data and Agents (Best presentation award)
H. Kavak and J.J. Padilla
2016 Spring Simulation Conference, Poster Session and Student Colloquium, doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4179.7522
[Poster] - Leveraging Social Media Data in Agent-based Simulations.
J.J. Padilla, S.Y. Diallo, H. Kavak, O. Sahin, and B. Nicholson.
47th Annual Simulation Symposium, Tampa, FL, April 13-16, 2014
[Paper] [BibTex] - Semi-Automated Initialization of Simulations: An Application to Healthcare.
J.J. Padilla, S.Y. Diallo, H. Kavak, O. Sahin, J.A. Sokolowski and R.J. Gore
The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 2015, doi:10.1177/1548512915570143
[Paper] [BibTex]
- The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OASD(R&E)) under agreement number FAB750-15-2-0120.
Last updated on Jan 27, 2022.