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Wk 13. Validation of Network Models

Lecture Date: November 13, 2023 - Monday
Lecturer: Dr. Hamdi Kavak

Network models have become one of the cornerstone approaches for modeling complex systems with examples ranging from representing metabolism to the movement of workers between firms. In this lecture, we will briefly explain what networks are and discuss various measures used to infer critical information from networks. After the instructor’s introductory lecture, one student will present the paper assigned for this week (PP 6).


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Assigned Reading (choose one for your SWA 9):

  • Paper Presentation 6 (PP 6): Broido, A. D., & Clauset, A. (2019). Scale-free networks are rare. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-10.
  • Chen, K., & Lei, J. (2018). Network cross-validation for determining the number of communities in network data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(521), 241-251.

Recommended Reading:

  • Batool, K., & Niazi, M. A. (2014). Towards a methodology for validation of centrality measures in complex networks. PloS one, 9(4), e90283.
  • Holme, P. (2009). Model validation of simple-graph representations of metabolism. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 6(40), 1027-1034.
  • Ghasemian, A., Hosseinmardi, H., & Clauset, A. (2019). Evaluating overfit and underfit in models of network community structure. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 32(9), 1722-1735.
  • Havlin, S., Kenett, D. Y., Ben-Jacob, E., Bunde, A., Cohen, R., Hermann, H., … & Solomon, S. (2012). Challenges in network science: Applications to infrastructures, climate, social systems and economics. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 214(1), 273-293.
  • Holme, P. (2019). Rare and everywhere: Perspectives on scale-free networks. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-3.
  • Jin, D., Yu, Z., Jiao, P., Pan, S., Yu, P. S., & Zhang, W. (2021). A survey of community detection approaches: From statistical modeling to deep learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.01669.
  • Potts, M. W., Sartor, P., Johnson, A., & Bullock, S. (2019). A network perspective on assessing system architectures: Foundations and challenges. Systems Engineering, 22(6), 485-501.
  • Voitalov, I., van der Hoorn, P., van der Hofstad, R., & Krioukov, D. (2019). Scale-free networks well done. Physical Review Research, 1(3), 033034.
  • Zhou, B., Lu, X., & Holme, P. (2020). Universal evolution patterns of degree assortativity in social networks. Social Networks, 63, 47-55.

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Copyright © Hamdi Kavak. CSI 709/CSS 739 - Verification and Validation of Models.